BWGC Handicap scores submission

Bangkok Wanderers – Submission of Scores in World Handicap System (WHS) through TrueHandicap

The WHS system has been used since the beginning of 2022 by the Wanderers (and other golf societies in Bangkok); most of our members are now broadly familiar with it and notwithstanding some infrequent issues with the software, it is working well. There are however occasional questions about its implementation and also from new members, so the Bangkok Wanderers Committee wishes to confirm the way that the membership should be applying it.

What Should I Do as a BWGC Member?
All scorecards must be entered into TrueHandicap as soon as possible after you have finished your round. This is particularly important to maintain the integrity of your handicap.
The only exceptions are:
Playing on a golf course or a set of tees that are not inside the True system (this is rare).
If you are having a lesson.
If you are not following the Rules of Golf.
If you are playing by yourself.
If you are playing a Texas Scramble or an alternate shot format.
ALL other games must be entered as soon as possible, and definitely before the next BWGC Competition.
You do not need to enter your scores when you play in BWGC, Londoners, British Club competitions as the relevant committee will do that for you. ALL other games that meet the criteria must be entered.
The new system can only work fairly if all scores are recorded. Please help us keep the handicaps up to date and correct.
If you have any questions regarding submission of scorecards, please contact the Handicap Secretary or their delegate.

Explanatory Notes and Further Information:
The primary reference for the BWGC is the Rules of Handicapping document issued by the R&A and further details can be found at randa

Please note that the TrueHandicap system is NOT linked to the TGA. Any scores entered on your behalf into the TGA handicap system such as The Royal Bangkok Sports Club and Thai Country Club, are not ‘automatically’ included into TrueHandicap. You must also input these scores into TrueHandicap.
One common question that players have, is how do I score a hole if I have not holed out? This is covered under “MOST LIKELY SCORE” or MLS – the relevant R&A Regulation is provided below:
When a Hole is Started But Player Does Not Hole Out (Reference R&A Rules of Handicapping 3.3)
A most likely score is used to record a player’s probable score on a hole, when the hole has been started but the player did not hole out their ball. It should be a reasonable assessment of the number of strokes needed to complete the hole.
For example, in a Four-Ball match-play competition, a player’s partner holes their ball from off the putting green for three. The player’s ball lies 15 feet (5 meters) away from the hole in four strokes and the score for the side cannot be improved. To save time, the player may pick up and record a most likely score for handicap purposes.
The system will adjust any high scores on a hole to a maximum of a net double bogey.

Non-compliance with Submission Guidelines
The intent of the WHS is for amateur golfers to compete or play recreationally and fairly, regardless of where they play.
It is therefore the player’s responsibility to submit ALL qualifying scorecards – regardless of whether they consider them unusually ‘good’ or ‘bad’ – and therefore avoid selective omission of scores (which under WHS rules would mean that handicaps are not fully representative of playing standard).

In line with WHS regulations, BWGC require all players to enter all their eligible scores into TrueHandicap. Please note that failure to enter a score could invalidate your handicap.
Any BWGC members found not to be abiding by the guidelines above may be referred to the BWGC Committee, who will consider what further action may be required to remedy the situation; this may include restricting entry to BWGC competitions.
November 2022