Monthly Medal at Vintage on Sat-03-Aug-24 1 day event at 07-00
Format:- Strokeplay --Max No places 32


Captains Cup Day 1 at Pineapple Valley on Sat-31-Aug-24 2 day event at 11-00
Format:- 36 hole event, stableford day 1, medal on day 2, the winner is the lowest of day 2 nett score minus day 1 score. --Max No places 32


Monthly Stableford at Bang Poo on Sun-18-Aug-24 1 day event at 11-30
Format:- Stableford --Max No places 32


Monthly Medal at Vintage on Sat-07-Sep-24 1 day event at 07-00
Format:- Strokeplay --Max No places 32
